Profitez de réductions sur nos voitures!

Location Voiture

Vendez et louez des voitures facilement ici.

Pièces Détachées


A car rental facility with noticeable signage in red and white is in view. The entrance shows a red vending machine and two trash bins nearby. The surroundings include buildings with visible architectural elements, and the area has some stairs leading up to the rental space.
A car rental facility with noticeable signage in red and white is in view. The entrance shows a red vending machine and two trash bins nearby. The surroundings include buildings with visible architectural elements, and the area has some stairs leading up to the rental space.
Voitures à louer

Découvrez notre large choix de voitures à louer.


The interior of a car dealership is visible through a glass window that has bold lettering advertising sales of cars and vans. Several vehicles, including a white compact car, are arranged inside a well-lit showroom. A television screen mounted on the wall displays an image, while the room also contains various equipment and items.
The interior of a car dealership is visible through a glass window that has bold lettering advertising sales of cars and vans. Several vehicles, including a white compact car, are arranged inside a well-lit showroom. A television screen mounted on the wall displays an image, while the room also contains various equipment and items.
Vente de pièces

Pièces détachées pour toutes marques et modèles.


Accessoires indispensables pour votre voiture et confort.

Bienvenue chez Hamed Fils

Nous sommes spécialisés dans la location de voitures et la vente de véhicules et pièces détachées de toutes marques. Votre satisfaction est notre priorité.

A city street scene showing an auto repair shop and tire shop with large signboards. There is a bright orange sports car parked in front of the shop, with another vehicle partially visible inside the garage. The building housing the shop is made of brick, and there is a large, empty billboard structure above it. To the right, some trees and different buildings are visible under a clear blue sky.
A city street scene showing an auto repair shop and tire shop with large signboards. There is a bright orange sports car parked in front of the shop, with another vehicle partially visible inside the garage. The building housing the shop is made of brick, and there is a large, empty billboard structure above it. To the right, some trees and different buildings are visible under a clear blue sky.



Clients satisfaits

Service fiable

gray computer monitor


Pour toute question sur nos voitures et services, contactez-nous.